Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Racism in Holmes County

This is a post I didn't want to write. A post I had to prayerfully consider and decide if I really wanted to put this out there but I couldn't get it out of my head. A subject that makes me sick to my stomach and so so angry. I had to pray for God to help me reign in my anger and do this in love. I will do my best to do just that.
Racism is something that I've always had a huge problem with. I've seen it so many times, heard so many jokes, and stupidly enough I thought our society was getting past this. It's hasn't and I'm starting to wonder if it ever will. I've never been one to sit quietly while people make racist jokes but now that I have non-Caucasian children the hairs on my neck stand even higher when this nasty talk comes out. If you want to see this mama bear standing at full attention racist talk is the way to do it.
Someone has made racist remarks to my husband and shortly after he showed them a picture of our children. Did that stop it? No! He had to again call them out on the racism. When I was getting ready to go down to Jamaica someone warned me to be careful because the people down there are really dark. Wow! There have been children on a playground who won't play with my African American niece because of the color of her skin. Where does this come from? The parents? If I had a dollar every time I heard someone saying immigrants should go back to their own country I think I'd be rich. Money problems? Over! Recently a very well respected Christian in our community retold a racist joke about Michelle Obama. Everyone laughed but one man in the room. This has sickened me to the very pit of my stomach and makes my eyes well up with tears? When will it stop? Racism is way too common! I know the Obamas are very hated in our area but that does not make racist comments ok. As Christians should we not set a better example than that?
This is my challenge....the next time someone makes a racist joke, comment, or remark in front of you stand up and say something. Speak out against this. It may be awkward, it may be scary, but something needs to be done. Sometimes a small thing like not laughing can make a difference. I do not want my children, my nieces, nephews, and any child to grow up in an area where racism is accepted. I know racism is everywhere but we can make a difference.
Edmund Burke — 'The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.'


  1. Amen! One of my pet peeves is when someone is recounting something and says "a black man" or otherwise mentions their color when it has NOTHING to do with what they are saying!! We wouldn't say "a white man" in the same situation. It is fine if you are trying to point someone out specifically or describe them identification purposes, but why does it matter otherwise what color is on the outside of someone??? When my dad was beat up by a woman a few years ago and only saved from death by another woman coming into the place it was happening, countless people asked, "was she black?" That annoyed me so badly, but I was so glad I could say, "yes, but so was the angel that saved his life!" Now having a brown grandson, I am so very aware of the small things that come out showing people still do see color and I dream of the day when we don't judge by the outside of someone! Thanks for having the courage to write this. I am so proud of you and Raph and am glad I can keep up with you through Jesse and Christina!

  2. There's got to be a middle ground somewhere. Why cannot color of skin comment can be as benign as height, weight, gender or hair color comment ? Is our cultural divide more racial than socio economic ? When I was in Africa, I never felt "white". Here in America, my "whiteness" seems to be a source of condemnation at times.

    1. I agree that the color of our skin should be able to be used as a description. I feel like the problem is that it is more often it's used as an accusation for crime ("Were they black?") when asking about the skin color. I've never felt being white was a source of condemnation. Maybe that depends on the area you live in. I'm just praying that one day skin color will not matter and no one will feel condemned for the color of their skin no matter what that color may be.
