I'm Tired
Some days I just want to throw in the towel and today is one of those days. I'm not so much physically tired as emotionally tired. I'm tired of hearing from my three year old "Mom, me might get mad", "Mom, me might punch you in the face", and worst of all in a sing songy voice "Mom, me hate you." I know he doesn't mean the words and he doesn't even know what hate means because a lot of times it's followed by "me don't like you either." But he knows the words hurt and he wants to hurt me.
My three year old, "S", has issues. Yes he is one adorable child. Yes he can be the sweetest snuggliest boy you have ever met and I love those things about him. I love that he comes and gives me huge hugs and tells me he loves me and that I'm his best friend. I love that he gives his little brother huge hugs and loves on him. I love his love of people and his nighttime prayers. I do not love the peeing on the floor on purpose, peeing on his brother's things on purpose, and the anger that is spewed my way. I don't love that S wants to hug random strangers and be picked up by people he has never seen before. I don't love that he is so starved for acceptance that he looks for it from anyone that gives him any attention and latches on until that person is overwhelmed. I don't love that if I give someone else one on one attention he gets so jealous that he gets mad, throws things, and screams.
Above all of these things I hate that S has had such a rough life that these emotions even come up. I hate that he knows what it's like to be moved around and hasn't had a steady love from two parents for long periods of time. I hate that he's already looking out for #1 no matter the cost. And I hate that some days I look at him and don't see a three year old boy but I see a child that acts like he's thirteen and hates his life. I hate that some days I have no patience and have to ignore him and walk out of the room because I'm so frustrated that I don't know what to do. God forgive me, some days I just can't see his hurt and all I see is my frustration.
This morning in my devotional I read Isaiah 40:11
"He tends his flock like a shepard: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young"
Today I will cling to that and know that there are better days coming. I know that this scared three year old needs all the love we can give him and I pray God gives us the patience to see that every day and see past our hurt, anger, and frustration. I will cling to that prayer that S spoke one night, "God don't take me from this house." There is hope and God will see all of us through. There are good days and there are bad days. Today is a bad day but I will wait for that good one to come through and do what I can in the meantime.
So if you see my three year old and he chooses you to cling to please see more that just the clingyness and cuteness. See that he needs love and affection. Help us be a light to him.