Sunday, June 2, 2013

My Loves

Since my last blog was about my hates and frustration I decided that this blog would be about my loves.

1. God-Where would I be without Him? Seriously? I would be in a pit of depression and grief with no way out if it weren't for my heavenly father who rescues me day in and day out from my own selfishness and despairs. He fills me with a joy and love beyond my human understanding.

2. My Husband-God has blessed me with a man who knows me so well and would do anything in this world to make me happy. Ex. Move to Ohio, take in three boys, take the time to know my love languages and adore me with all my imperfections and annoyances, the list could go on and on. I have never been a good communicator and my husband may be the best around. I adore him and he adores me. I'm ok with getting old as long as this man is by my side.

3. My Boys-Yes they frustrate me and yes they make me want to tear my hair out 50% of the time. The other 50% of the time I could cry at the sweetness of them. L wrapping his little chubby arms around my neck and squeezing as tight as he can, K asking me to lay beside him when I put him down for a nap and if he accidently hurts me patting my arm and saying "sowwy Mommy", S cuddling up beside me any time I sit down and telling me I look so good when I walk out in an outfit he's never seen before. What would I do without these terrors? They complete our home.

4. My Yoders and Yutzys-Our families could not be more opposite. When the Yoders get together we are a houseful of screaming children and try to get conversation in whenever we can. Yet we are a laid back people that can sit around and do nothing all weekend and love it. The Yutzys are a family full of passion and love. We are a crazy bunch that never has a dull moment and they open my eyes with there insights. Both Yoders and Yutzys are full of love and support and I can't imagine my life without any of them.

5. My Church-What a supportive group of prayers warriors that blow my mind all the time. When we got the boys what a rally of people we had behind us bringing us food, clothes, money, and support. Every Sunday I stand in awe of God as I sing my heart out to him and soak in the sermon.

6. Inside Out/College Group-These two groups often feel like a second family to me. Inside Out blesses me with the leaders who are beyond crazy and are an inspiration to me. The high schoolers shock my socks off so often with our talks at small groups, cardboard testimonies, and passion for life. With the college group I see those same high schoolers turn into responsible adults that are growing in knowledge and passion. They dote on our boys and our boys soak it up. Never a dull moment in either group.

7. My Friends-I do believe my friends are a step above the rest. They help keep me sane with coffee breaks randomly during the week and a text to ask how I'm doing. Once again when we got the boys they were the ones that came with bags and bags full of groceries. They volunteered to baby-sit one night so me and Raph could go on a date. They invite us out on the weekends and we gladly accept

I'm full of joy today and I plan on working on keeping that joy. When times get hard and I start to feel depressed I will have to look back at this entry and I'm sure it will smack me in the face. To all of you that are listed and those of you I forgot,  THANK YOU!

1 comment:

  1. It's really late, Gina, but I am sitting here, waiting on word from one of our parishioners who is on his way to the hospital -- very, very ill. I am thinking about tomorrow and wondering what news you will hear. We've been praying and praying. Our little church at Laws has been praying, too. Every time our small group meets, or the larger group is together for Prayer Meeting, Dad asks for prayer for "Raph, Gina and the boys." And people are so interested in knowing how the boys are doing and what is going on. Just know that in this long night watch, while we pray for our friend, we will pray for your family, too, and trust that God will work His Will in and through those who are responsible for making the decisions.

    I love you, Gina-girl. May God continue to give you grace, courage, strength and peace.
