So yesterday we had a little church service. It was on a little subject called Orphan Sunday. What is Orphan Sunday? It's a Sunday to promote caring for orphans and to have God's love for orphans echo in our own lives. It's a day that makes some cry, makes some sad, makes some feel bad and then it's over.
What do we feel this morning? Have we forgotten already? Are we back to drinking our Monday morning coffee and starting our Monday morning routine? Are our hearts still aching for the children looking for a family? There's this pesky little page on Facebook that I like called The Forgotten Initiative. Yesterday they showed a child from each state waiting to be adopted. Someone must not have told them that Orphan Sunday ended yesterday because they dared to add another one this morning. There goes my Monday morning routine because now my heart is pulled back into it. It's harder to ignore the problem when you see the faces of the children waiting. When you see a little information about each child. One boy wants a family that will read him bedtimes stories and tuck him in. A lot of children need families that are willing to be patient because of the neglect and abuse they've had in the past. Too. Much. Work?
I've always had a passion for orphans. At a young age I remember knowing that some day I was going to work in an orphanage. I did. At a young age I remember knowing that I was called to foster and adopt. I fostered, working on the adoption. Three kids asleep in their beds are proof of that. God called me, I'm done. I did my part, right? Wrong! God didn't call me to this so I could stop doing His calling after I had three kids in my home. I should never stop. On pinterest I pinned a quote from Jim Gaffigan saying "You want to know what it's like having a fourth child? Imagine you're drowning. Then someone hands you a baby." Funny, but really, that's how I feel. I can't do another child right now. But I can do something.
Last night my husband talked to the college group about passion. One of the definitions of passion is: a strong feeling that causes you to act in a dangerous way. Hmm, passion means action? What actions am I taking? I don't know what my next step is but I know I'm not done. I'm not even done with the journey with the three little kids that are back asleep in their beds. I pray that Lord willing in the next 6 months the journey to them being mine forever will come to an end and we can officially be a family. But that also isn't the end of my journey for the cause of the orphan.
You may be saying "I don't have a passion for orphans." Maybe you don't. But God called us to Defend the cause of the fatherless Isaiah 1:17. That verse doesn't say defend the cause of the fatherless if you have a passion for orphans. It's pretty cut and dry. Defend the cause of the fatherless! What are we doing? Pray, support, give, adopt, foster. Do something.
Amen and Amen and Amen. The Church of Jesus Christ excuses herself into complacency. Easy? What was that phrase that God gave Raph? "I didn't redeem you for easy"? That phrase has captivated my heart.
ReplyDeleteWe like easy. We like things that aren't messy. God help us! And I'm including myself in that. So often when situations don't work out the way I think they should I think maybe I'm just not "called" or I get discouraged over the small picture. I do think that a sense of call is important, but often I'm not quiet long enough before the Lord to hear His voice. I've been especially convicted about the fact that my intentions may be right but HOW I carry out what The Call really is may be faulty. So many things to think about, girlie. I love your ponderings and the prodding it provides to the rest of us.